Memorial Former SS Shooting Range Hebertshausen

The SS shooting range in Hebertshausen is a place of victims and perpetrators. Located not far from the Dachau concentration camp, the SS shooting range became the place of death for over 4,000 Russian prisoners of war from 1941 onwards. The identification of the victims has still not taken place completely, and the former shooting range is often the only place for the bereaved to commemorate their dead.

Over the past 70 years, a wildly romantic park-like landscape has developed on the site, largely left to its own devices. The encroachment of nature here has masked the horror, the over-forming of vegetation trivialises the place. The remaining military installations, such as the ramparts, the concrete fence posts and the bullet trap, have degenerated into staffage in the landscape. The boundaries of the site are no longer clearly perceptible; profane recreational uses contrast with the historical significance of the site. 
The clear elaboration of the former course of the border and the emphasis on the terrain modelling and routing that served military purposes strengthens the identity of the site. By clearing the woody growth, the austere austerity of the site can be experienced again. The woody vegetation in the peripheral areas is preserved and serves to frame the terrain.

The five rows of foundations of the "Installation of Names" make reference to the fate of the prisoners of war who had to line up in rows of five before the execution. The glass panels with names and dates of life of the victims identified so far can be added to continuously. The exhibition on the history of the site, the victims and perpetrators, is embedded in a meadow area along the way.

  • KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau
Project Data
  • 2007
Project Team
  • Martin Bennis, Berlin und Weidner Haendle Atelier, Stuttgart
  • 2012-2014
Hebertshausen bei Dachau

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